
Ongoing CHALLENGE !!!

If your picture has been blogged here, it means that it has appealed to over 300 art jurors (currently 50 active) for a whole week or more. That is an achievement!!!

... and what does that mean ??? well according to This ... it means your picture is "... extremely resistant to people wanting to get rid of it", :)

If you see one single picture in this group that you think is not art, please say so (by commenting on it) and tell us why. If you are convincing - we will remove it. This group is to show case the most resistive pictures from the
B&W Art Photography - Is Your Art universal


Luz Prodigiosa

Luz Prodigiosa, originally uploaded by Viola***.

Abandoned Villa. Cradle. (Culla)

Grazie UOMO per la post!! ^__^

La luz prodigiosa

"Nana, niño, nana
del caballo grande
que no quiso el agua.
El agua era negra
dentro de las ramas.
Cuando llega el puente
se detiene e canta.
Quien dirá, mi niño,
lo que tiene el agua con su larga cola
por su verde sala?
Duérmete, clavel,
que el caballo no quiere beber.
Duérmete, rosal,
que el caballo se pone a llorar."

(Garcia Lorca)

QUI una delle più belle composizioni che si siano mai sentite.. è Morricone.. è Dulce Pontes.. è Gracia Lorca.. mamma mia.. ho sempre i brividi...

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