
Ongoing CHALLENGE !!!

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B&W Art Photography - Is Your Art universal


Wash me clean

Wash me clean, originally uploaded by gidjetluv.

I went to River Front Park last night. On the park grounds is an enormous underground/tower fountain where many of Spokane's street kids come to cool off during hot summer days. Two girls known as "Daggers" and "Spaz" ran full throttle into the fountain's torrential smash, and for the next instant or two, all goth garb was quickly forgotten.

I love this picture because, yeah. . .street kids are playing in a torrid downpour of chlorine infested water. . .but just look at her! Spaz looks as if she's being washed from any dirt of life she's learned thus far. Yep, they're a couple of "hardened" street rats. I must tell you though, these girls couldn't be any sweeter.

I/You/Me/We/Us must be willing to peer beyond thinly constructed facades of blackened and baggy clothing. When we are willing, upside down face painted crosses or street names no longer exist. In choosing to, all of us have the opportunity to stumble upon a delightfully different world. It's a land filled with silly humor and kindness. Daggers (on the right) wore her black ski cap the entire time. Even the pressure of monsoon~like rain didn't make her cap budge a bit. As Daggers and Spaz sauntered (out) from under crazy rages of water, their synchronized smiles flashed while giggling over the others soaked~to~the~core~goth~garb.

Both girls excude child-like qualities. Their goodness hasn't been side-swiped by insidiously invisible thieves nor have their hearts been disengaged through emotional gorilla warfare. Spaz and Daggers haven't given up on being loved, you can tell by their demeanor.

My hope for Spaz and Daggers is that they treasure such contagious authenticity. I pray both girls fight bravely, keeping it tooth and nail.

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