
Ongoing CHALLENGE !!!

If your picture has been blogged here, it means that it has appealed to over 300 art jurors (currently 50 active) for a whole week or more. That is an achievement!!!

... and what does that mean ??? well according to This ... it means your picture is "... extremely resistant to people wanting to get rid of it", :)

If you see one single picture in this group that you think is not art, please say so (by commenting on it) and tell us why. If you are convincing - we will remove it. This group is to show case the most resistive pictures from the
B&W Art Photography - Is Your Art universal



7/19/08, originally uploaded by gary isaacs' photos.


this morning I woke from a dream.
In the dream it’s night and i’m walking in a sort
Of undefined high prairie landscape.
And though i can’t see him, i can feel the presence of
A man that’s walking with me on my right side.
And i’m complaining to this presence that
i’m angry with god - i’m angry because god wants me
To do with my life things that i don’t want to do – I’m angry
Because god Wants me to be ways that i don’t want to be. And the presence says to me that i have it wrong, that i don’t
understand - that god only wants me to do what
i truly want to do in my truest deepest heart.
And then i’m alone and i spread my arms
And i begin to turn in circles and all the stars in the sky
Begin to revolve and move with me – and my turning creates
A great wind and as i’m turning faster and faster the stars begin
To streak and Blend together into a sky turned to light and i’m spinning
So fast that i begin to come apart and dissolve and become
A part of the Light

And then there’s a jolt and I wake up to one of my cats
Sitting on my chest wanting breakfast - and in my truest deepest heart
I want a cup of coffee and a cigarette

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