
Ongoing CHALLENGE !!!

If your picture has been blogged here, it means that it has appealed to over 300 art jurors (currently 50 active) for a whole week or more. That is an achievement!!!

... and what does that mean ??? well according to This ... it means your picture is "... extremely resistant to people wanting to get rid of it", :)

If you see one single picture in this group that you think is not art, please say so (by commenting on it) and tell us why. If you are convincing - we will remove it. This group is to show case the most resistive pictures from the
B&W Art Photography - Is Your Art universal



Naomi, originally uploaded by K...


Leon Beqiri kërcyesi më i miri 3

Ulqin 2009, Sapore di Mare,
diving into the sea

Beaver Dam

Beaver Dam, originally uploaded by Wolfhorn.

, originally uploaded by blinked.


~, originally uploaded by erbarium.

The fisherman and his dream

sur les rives du pont de Gennes


A day in Cairo

A day in Cairo, originally uploaded by CONNORMATT.

A day in Cairo

Cairo old town
Subject watching tv in his old shop,I asked him to just stay as you are and he understud perfectly.

Brunkebergstunnel Stockholm

Brunkebergstunnel Stockholm, originally uploaded by DSSthlm.


2.8E2Planar-016, originally uploaded by Panuraj.


nomads, originally uploaded by sascha8.

The Yazidis are the largest ethnic and religious minority in Armenia. They are mostly ethnic Kurds. Many of them live a semi-nomad life during the summer months in the highlands around the Aragats mountain in Western Armenia where I took this photo.


Fog1c, originally uploaded by BrazilKamera.


Louis, originally uploaded by MDH27.


Monday/Lunedi, originally uploaded by August Brill.

Texture by Les Brumes... thanks for her wonderful textures!!!!

Is anything sadder than a train
That leaves when it’s supposed to,
That has only one voice,
Only one route?
There’s nothing sadder.
Except perhaps a cart horse,
Shut between two shafts
And unable even to look sideways.
Its whole life is walking.
And a man? Isn’t a man sad?
If he lives in solitude a long time,
If he believes time has run its course,
A man is a sad thing too.

Che cosa è più triste di un treno?
Che parte quando deve,
Che non ha che una voce,
Che non ha che una strada.
Niente è più triste di un treno.
O forse un cavallo da tiro.
E' chiuso fra due stanghe,
non può neppure guardarsi a lato.
La sua vita è camminare.
E un uomo? Non è triste un uomo?
Se vive a lungo in solitudine
Se crede che il tempo è concluso
Anche un uomo una cosa triste.

Primo Levi

Swimming into the galaxy

Swimming into the galaxy, originally uploaded by Carles Rodrigo.


Cohesion, originally uploaded by Tomo Li.

, originally uploaded by Ali Shokri.

Mandawa Love

Mandawa Love, originally uploaded by principia aesthetica.

The Pianist

The Pianist, originally uploaded by Jan_Karol.

The most loneliest day in my life...



courtyard, originally uploaded by iksus.


Pato, originally uploaded by Seba Pani´s Photo.

Day 193/365--Time Warp

Day 193/365--Time Warp, originally uploaded by squeakypeach4.

This hat belonged to my grandmother back in the 1960's :) It's always reminded me of a beehive, but it's still super fun and it screams VINTAGE! The vintage doe skin gloves were a gift from a dear friend of mine, Cynthia :) We're both old-timey girls.

Note how my other eye is not showing....that's because it's disgusting right now. Though, I will say that it definately looks a lot better than it did yesterday! It's feeling a ton better this evening...just a little itchy still, but waaaaay better than it was earlier.

Random tidbit: I wear a clown nose when I drive....sometimes :) People always look so grumpy when they drive--I'm just hoping to liven up their day :)

, originally uploaded by desbyrnephotos.

Composition must be one of our constant preoccupations, but at the moment of shooting it can stem only from our intuition, for we are out to capture the fugitive moment, and all the interrelationships involved are on the move. - Henri Cartier-Bresson

Splash! urban shower in Arezzo

Splash! urban shower in Arezzo, originally uploaded by davcare.

White Mission at Goliad

White Mission at Goliad, originally uploaded by Cooke Photo.

Goliad Mission, Texas
Copyright Cooke Photographics

"Stand in the Light"

"Stand in the Light", originally uploaded by retiredNpoor.

Even in the darkest of times there are narrow beams of hope to help us
'stand in the light' ...... "...he caused his lamp to shine upon my head, when
I would walk through darkness by his light" (Job 29:2 & 3)


birch trees in cape breton

birch trees in cape breton, originally uploaded by -liyen-.

birch trees in cape breton

I've never taken pics of birch trees, but I love them, so here's my humble attempt.


N°124, originally uploaded by zi'thorpe photographie.

After it rained.

After it rained., originally uploaded by aloskebab.

a farmer's aide

a farmer's aide, originally uploaded by life begins with 4t.

this is the philippine carabao, a farmer's best friend used to plow the rice fields also known as the hardest working animal. they use machines now but some farmers still use them.

I often like to play in puddles of mud...

This picture was taken in a swamp in rural northern ontario. The poor model was bitten alive by bugs! Shot using available light. Canon AE1 Camera, wide angle lens. F 4, 1/125th sec. Red filter. Ilford 100 ASA film

Les ombres de l'arche

Grande arche de la Défense, Paris.

Les bureaux se vident, les centres commerciaux se remplissent, les transports vont bientôt se bonder. Des milliers de silhouettes vaquent vaguement vers un ailleurs plus intime, dans le mystère des croisements anonymes et des mécaniques de la modernité.

Photo réalisé lors d'une balade parisienne qui a réunit trop de monde autour du beau Yannick, notre guest star cannoise, pour que je puisse les citer tous. Mais bon dieu que c'était sympa !

, originally uploaded by Jarrett E Hather.

Into The Light

Into The Light, originally uploaded by Michael Penn Photography.

To be alone and not to feel such

there is someone in my head and it's not me II


OUT LOOK Ⅲ, originally uploaded by LB VISION.


Jess, originally uploaded by John Milton Photography.

Jess said 'bring your stuff'. So I did.

The Dominoes Fall

The Dominoes Fall, originally uploaded by Kozsák Rudolf Árpád.

, originally uploaded by Elena Gal.

Embarcadero 1/5

Embarcadero 1/5, originally uploaded by Graf+iti.

meg2 (1 of 1) copy

meg2 (1 of 1) copy, originally uploaded by urbanphotographer2007.

, originally uploaded by blinked.

sunset on Miami Beach (Fla)

sunset on Miami Beach (Fla), originally uploaded by alexdeparis.


Etme..., originally uploaded by hkncnr.

Duydum ki bizi bırakmaya azmediyorsun etme
Başka bir yar başka bir dosta meylediyorsun etme

Sen yadeller dünyasında ne arıyorsun yabancı
Hangi hasta gönüllüyü kasdediyorsun etme

Çalma bizi bizden bizi gitme o ellere doğru
Çalınmış başkalarına nazar ediyorsun etme

Ey ay felek harab olmuş alt üst olmuş senin için
Bizi öyle harab öyle alt üst ediyorsun etme

Ey makamı var ve yokun üzerinde olan kişi
Sen varlık sahasını öyle terk ediyorsun etme

Sen yüz çevirecek olsan ay kapkara olur gamdan
Ayın da evini yıkmayı kastediyorsun etme

Bizim dudağımız kurur sen kuruyacak olsan
Gözlerimizi öyle yaş dolu ediyorsun etme

Aşıklarla başa çıkacak gücün yoksa eğer
Aşka öyleyse ne diye hayret ediyorsun etme

Ey cennetin cehennemin elinde olduğu kişi
Bize cenneti öyle cehennem ediyorsun etme

Şekerliğinin içinde zehir zarar vermez bize
O zehiri o şekerle sen bir ediyorsun etme

Bizi sevindiriyorsun huzurumuz kaçar öyle
Huzurumu bozuyorsun sen mavediyorsun etme

Harama bulaşan gözüm güzelliğinin hırsızı
Ey hırsızlığa da değen hırsızlık ediyorsun etme

İsyan et ey arkadaşım söz söyleyecek an değil
aşkın baygınlığıyla ne meşk ediyorsun etme

Mevlana Celaleddin Rumi


Pier, originally uploaded by Hypnagogic visions.

Taken under Cromer Pier on a cold twilight evening. My hands were freezing with the long exposure and my feet kept getting wet. Still, an invigorating experience. This image doesn't quite work for me and I certainly don't claim it is an original idea. However, I've wanted to experiment with long exposures for a while now by the sea and finally had the chance when visiting my parents this Christmas. A record, therefore, of my first attempt on which I hope to look back later and smile when I see what I should have done...in the meantime, your comments much appreciated! Happy 2009 to all and thanks for taking the time to visit.

Barbican Runway

Barbican Runway, originally uploaded by ~ Meredith ~.

More from last weekend's trip to The Barbican.
Bronica SQ-A, f2.8 80mm S lens, Ilford FP4 ISO125

La Geôle / The Room

La Geôle / The Room, originally uploaded by Alexandre Bertin.

Voici la fin (prématurée, car la 7ème image retenue n'est pas satisfaisante) de cette série sur l'enfermement. Je vous conseille de lire les livres d'Hubert Selby Jr., notamment ceux qui ont vu le film de Darren Aronofsky, Requiem for a Dream. Chaque page est un coup de poing pris en pleine figure, un coup de poing à l'Amérique comme il s'amusait à le dire.
Je voulais vous remercier tous d'avoir pris le temps de suivre ces 6 images, de les commenter. Il s'agit de mon premier travail "conceptuel", réfléchi et réalisé ... les encouragements sont donc très importants.

Here is the end (premature, because the 7th image selected is not satisfactory) of this series on the seclusion. I advise you to read the books of Hubert Selby Jr., in particular those which saw the movie made by Darren Aronofsky, Requiem for a Dream.

I wanted to thank you all for having taken times to follow these 6 images, to comment on them. It is about my first “conceptual” work, considered and carried out… the encouragements are thus very important.

You can take a look at the whole series here :

night light

night light, originally uploaded by *and.