
Ongoing CHALLENGE !!!

If your picture has been blogged here, it means that it has appealed to over 300 art jurors (currently 50 active) for a whole week or more. That is an achievement!!!

... and what does that mean ??? well according to This ... it means your picture is "... extremely resistant to people wanting to get rid of it", :)

If you see one single picture in this group that you think is not art, please say so (by commenting on it) and tell us why. If you are convincing - we will remove it. This group is to show case the most resistive pictures from the
B&W Art Photography - Is Your Art universal


pilonius - rusos

pilonius - rusos, originally uploaded by SeBa MaYa.

Humo y bar, húmedo el humo

Intermitente el neón, gris la pared

Tango y tambor, tuyo el fulgor

Sucio el mosaico, marcada la arruga

Sangrante la encía, malo el alcohol

Sólo el olvido

Ohh, ohh

Rusos en mi memoria, memoria en mi nevera

Rusos hundiendo el paso y mi paso pisando arena

Desierto olvidando el tiempo, no era la arena mía

Orujo pisando el sueño, ¡Siberia!

Ohh, ohh

Ma io vorrei essere polvere, cemento e ferro

Cosí m’avresti dentro, cosí m’avresti dentro

Ma io vorrei essere polvere, frangelico

Cosí m’avresti dentro, cosí m’avresti dentro

Dove non c’era natura almeno ci sará amor

Dove non cera natura almeno ci sará dolor

Dove non c’era natura almeno ci sariamo….

Tututututut tutti noi! Tutti noi!

Cosí m’avresti dentro

Cosí m’avresti dentro

Cosí m’avresti dentro

Ohh ohh,


Uploaded by SeBa MaYa on 9 Dec 08, 6.41PM EET.

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